Occupational Injury

In everyday working life we all have our own specific stresses at the workplace, all jobs have there own requirements of the employee and these requirements can effect all of us in there own way.

Most of the time our jobs will have a negative effect on our overall well-being and health. Occupational injury can occur in all areas of the body and can occur in all walks of life, any injury on a building site or an injury behind the desk there all just as common and just as important.

Often in the massage and well-being industry we usually link injuries with either being on the track or being in the gym, this isn't the case! injuries can occur in everyday life and are just as important and similar cases as the injuries done on the world of sport and fitness. Injuries in the workplace are one of the most common causes of injuries and most people don't even realise there being injured at work!! Certain injuries are caused by overuse and fatigue of a muscle or joint. By doing the same movement and same jobs everyday for years you will be using the same set of muscles consecutively and therefore will end up overusing these muscles and injuring them regularly.

These injuries may not be severe initially but overtime they build up in the muscle and cause weakness and tightness, and will effect your work and home life by increasing in issues such as:
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Decreased Range of motion
  • Decreased Mobility
  • Prone to injury
  • and many more!
Occupational injuries are injuries that are a result of working stress that is put upon us by the requirements of our daily careers, everyday many workers suffer injury from their workplace, these injuries can range from neck ache to more severe injuries such as breaks and fractures. most common injuries at work are musculoskeletal meaning they are muscle and joint related, most commonly in the back region with lower back and shoulders a common area of concern for all workers, either from bending to pick up packaging or sitting at a desk, these jobs put immense stress on our most vital structure of the body and it is often overlooked as just aches and pains. these "aches and pains" are merely symptoms of a deeper problem such as excess tightness, weakness and a history of injury to the area.

With the right therapist you will benefit from posture analysis to identify any areas of weakness and tightness caused by years of repetitive sitting or bending, this can be altered and corrected with the right treatment and exercises the sports therapist will release any tight areas and will strengthen any weak areas to balance the imbalance within the body causing the aches and pains. You will soon be feeling strong and feeling good again even when your at work!

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